커뮤니케이션대학원 행정팀공지사항

미디어 사회학자 닉 쿨드리 (Nick Couldry) 공개 강의 안내
  • 작 성 자|관리자
  • 작 성 일|2018-11-27
  • 조 회 수 |1478
언론홍보영상학부, 커뮤니케이션연구소, 커뮤니케이션대학원 BK21Plus 사업팀으로부터 다음의 내용을 전달받아 공지합니다.
제목: 미디어 사회학자 닉 쿨드리 (Nick Couldry) 공개 강의 안내 
<커뮤니케이션 콜로키움>

제목: Data Colonialism and the Threat to Human Autonomy


강사: NIck Couldry (LSE)
토론: 이상길 (연세대), 강재호 (서울대) 
시간: 11월 29일 (목) 3:00 - 5:00 
장소: 장기원기념관 


Nick Couldry 교수는 미디어 사회학 분야에서 독자적인 영역을 구축하며 최근 가장 활발히 활동하는 학자 중 한 사람입니다.
쿨드리 교수에 대한 간단한 소개의 글입니다.
Nick Couldry is Professor of Media, Communications and Social Theory in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE. As a sociologist of media and culture, he approaches media and communications from the perspective of the symbolic power that has been historically concentrated in media institutions. He is interested in how media and communications institutions and infrastructures contribute to various types of order (social, political, cultural, economic, ethical). His work has drawn on, and contributed to, social, spatial, democratic and cultural theory, anthropology, and media and communications ethics. His analysis of media as ‘practice’ has been widely influential. He is the author or editor of 12 books and many journal articles and book chapters.

Couldry 교수가 최근에는 digital surveillance에 대한 연구를 진행했고, 그 결과를 조만간 Costs of Connection (Stanford University Press)
이라는 제목의 책으로 발표하는데, 그 내용을 다음 주 목요일 우리 신촌 캠퍼스에서 진행하는 강의에서 발표합니다.
Nick Couldry 교수에 대한 보다 자세한 내용 다음 웹사이트를 참조해주십시오.
다음 주 쿨드리 교수의 특강 요약은 아래와 같습니다.

This lecture will draw on the author’s forthcoming book with Ulises Mejias, SUNY Oswego,
The Costs of Connection: How Data Colonizes Human Life and Appropriates it for
capitalism (Stanford University Press 2019). The lecture will argue, in general terms, that the
role of data in society needs to be grasped as not only a development of capitalism, but as the
start of a new phrase in human history that rivals in importance the emergence of historic
colonialism: in short, the emergence of a new data colonialism, based on the appropriation of
human life through data, that will pave the way for a new capitalism that it is as yet too early
to name. The extent of today’s transformations of human life can only be grasped bifocally,
as both a new colonialism and a continuation/extension of capitalism. More specifically, the
lecture will argue that this development must be resisted, not only as an extension of
capitalist exploitation of human life for profit, but also as the violation of the very basis of
human autonomy. The continuous tracking and surveillance of human subjects on which data
colonialism depends disrupts the space of the self, the space into which the self continuously
grows. Continuous tracking installs the tools of an external system into the self’s interiority,
and so damages that interiority, with implications for the values of autonomy and freedom
and for all social and political systems based upon them.
Nick Couldry is a sociologist of media and culture. He is Professor of Media
Communications and Social Theory at the London School of Economics and Political
Science. He is the author or editor of twelve books including most recently The Mediated
Construction of Reality (with Andreas Hepp, Polity, 2016), Ethics of Media
(2013 Palgrave, coedited with Mirca Madianou and Amit Pinchevski), Media, Society, World: Social Theory
and Digital Media Practice (Polity 2012) and Why Voice Matters: Culture and Politics After
Neoliberalism (Sage 2010).

커뮤니케이션대학원 BK21Plus 사업팀장 김용찬(사회과학대학 언론홍보영상학부장)