


Dean's Greetings

The paradigm of higher education has been changed. Universities and graduate schools should no longer be institutions of fixed knowledge and information; but rather should help to cultivate creative ideas and work flexibly with different ways of utilizing that knowledge. Education that preaches to focus and drill “the one perfect well” is outdated. It should encourage us to drill many good wells and learn to connect them for a new water source. 

The Graduate School of Communication and Arts offers unique combinations of disciplines and opportunities as an educational institution of the 21st century. We strive for the era of creativity that overcomes the era of reason. We strive for a fusion of diversity rather than separation; being expansive rather than reticent. We design and provide educational programs for nomads in diaspora of the 21st century. At the intersection of humanities and social sciences, our communication programs bring together concepts and theories of art and culture with an aim of creating a place where artists, scientists, and philosophers co-exist.  More than a degree conferred, the combination of theory and practice taught through our programs provides our scholars and artists an education with a sense of real world. 

The Graduate School of Communication and Arts was established in August 2000 with three distinctive majors. Now, we offer five master's programs and three doctoral programs with about 150 students enrolled. We encourage our students with integrated education across their majors and emphasize the connections across arts, culture, and industry. From scholars and artists to film directors and cultural planners, our alumni are making a name for themselves around the world. Our staff and students not only enjoy creative and competitive environment, but also pride themselves of being part of the nation’s only multidisciplinary academic institution specializes in communication and arts 
Today, not only the academic and industrial boundaries are being lost; the national and inter-governmental cultural borders are also being broken. So we are preparing leaders of tomorrow – excellent scholars and outstanding creative directors who will doubtlessly contribute to the advancement of communication and arts across the globe. We continue to recruit talented foreign faculties and strengthen our cooperation with overseas research, educational, and cultural institutions. 

It is the age of digital globalization. While the Graduate School of Communication and Arts is located in the small and historic building of Seongam Hall in Yonsei University, our works and endeavors will know no boundaries, and we will be recognized and admired as a model institution of its kind.  

I hope that you are also excited about what we offer here at the Graduate School of Communication and Arts and the journey ahead of us. I invite you to join a team of passionate, talented and ambitious scholars in creating the future. Starting from here. 


Dean, Graduate School of Communication and Arts,
Yonsei University

Sang-Gil, Lee