커뮤니케이션대학원 행정팀공지사항

(콜로퀴움 안내)Living in network cities: Connected lives or digital order?
  • 작 성 자|관리자
  • 작 성 일|2019-10-21
  • 조 회 수 |1131
※ 제목: Living in network cities: Connected lives or digital order?
※ 강연자: Myria Georgiou(Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science)
※ 일시: 2019년 11월 5일 (화) 낮 12시 - 1시 30분
※ 장소: 빌링슬리관 202호

※ 초록: This talk focuses on the digital city as a material and symbolic space for experiencing, imagining and regulating urban life. It identifies the project of the digital city as a fundamentally modernist project, incorporating a longstanding vision of modernity: integrated, productive and human cities. Yet, the talk also emphasises that historical continuities come with significant change that reconfigures the experience, ethics and politics of urban life. The talk concludes by asking what is at stake when the digital city becomes normalised as the inevitable, seductive and progressive urban future for and by its people and whether this is a project for deeply ordered cities or whether it reflects a real need to organise (dis-)connected urban lives.


연세대학교 커뮤니케이션연구소