커뮤니케이션대학원 졸업논문

무대 영상을 위한 비쥬얼 리터러시 프로젝트
  • 저자명|주희진
  • 학위|석사
  • 졸업연도|2006
  • 담당교수|김형수




오늘날 다양한 문화 예술 장르에서 영상 콘텐츠는 다양하게 활용되고 있다. 이것은 디지털 기술의 비약적인 발전에 의해 이루어진 영상 표현 기법에 의한 것이라고 본다. 영화의 디지털 특수 효과의 중요한 기능과 부분인 컴퓨터 그래픽스는 영화와 애니메이션 제작에만 활용 되고 있지 않다. 디지털 영상 제작을 통한 영상 콘텐츠는 최근 연극, 무용, 음악, 각종 이벤트의 무대 공간에서 필요로 하는 영상 공간을 구성하는 중심이 되고 있다. 오프라인 환경의 다양한 공연 무대에서 크고 작은 스크린을 통한 영상 콘텐츠의 활용을 넘어서 무대 디자인의 실제적인 개념으로써 영상 공간이 사용되고 있는 것이다. 이러한 영상과 공간이 접하는 무대 디자인의 역할을 잘 볼 수 있는 작품의 예는 이태리의 테크놀러지를 기반으로 언어를 표현하는 퍼포먼스 그룹인 스튜디오 아주로(Studio Azzuro)의 퍼포먼스 작업이다.\r\n\r\n본 연구에서는 이러한 공연 예술에서의 영상 콘텐츠의 활용 방안에 기본적으로 필요한 비쥬얼 리터러시 구성을 위한 표현 기법을 체계화하는 실험을 개진한다.무대 공간에 필요한 영상화 작업에 직접적인 영상 콘텐츠 구성 방식은 특정한 공연 예술의 목적과 의도에 따라 다양할 수 있다. 하지만 영상 콘텐츠를 구성하는 비쥬얼 리터러시 운영 기법에 대한 일련의 실험은 다변화하는 무대 영상 제작에 적용할 수 있는 아이디어를 제공할 수 있다고 생각한다.


The Obang Color's Visual Literacy for the Stage Screen Design\r\n\r\nThis project is to construct the traditional obang colors to the digital format in order to systematically arrange the visual elements to apply it to the theater and dance performances, through the obang color's image literacy from image expressive technology research for the stage use. This is to attempt the interaction of body, object and sound in performing arts for effective application to the image work.\r\n\r\nObang Color\r\n\r\nThe obang color is based on the theory of cosmic dual forces of the five primary substances. This theory emphasizes the creation of the universe and nature, the positive and negative changes of the human society and how it circulates for harmony and unification of the world. The thoery can be divided into the five primary substances and the cosmic dual forces. The cosmic dual forces have the meaning of the darkness and the light and these two powers mutually complement the change, extinct and generate the nature and universe. The theory of five primary substances has been established bsed on the cosmic dual forces and represents the basis of the wolrd, metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The color of Obang derived from this theory to explain the directional position from east, west, south, and north. The O form Obang world means number 5 representing division-unification. Bang from Obang decides on the position and value of the east, west, south, and norht locations.\r\n\r\nThe Visual Literacy\r\nThe visual literacy is based on the thought that the visual image is the language, representing the required knowledge to understand and produce the visual languages. Just like the reading and writing being taught by the training, the visual literacy also requires training to be able to use and understnad. The elements of the literacy are dot, line, shape, texture, scale, dimension and motion.\r\n\r\nTHe image expression techniquesfor this research are divided as follows:\r\n\r\n1. The experimentation of the obang colors visual literacy formation based on the linguistic cause\r\n2. The experimentation of the obang colors visual literacy formation reflecting the cultural structure and symbol\r\n\r\nThe first experimentation in symbolicall cyon structed based on the concepts and the realistic abstract and physicatlerms being arranged in order to provide the logical system.The second experimentation progresses the visual literacy expressions of obang colors. For these research and experiments, the Flame by Discreet, and the digital image production softwares such as the Inferno and Smoke for effective im age expression technique have been used.\r\n\r\n1. The experimentation of the obang colors visual literacy formation based on the linguistic cause\r\n\r\nThis work arranges the basic elements that form the visual literacy to seek the original and derived meanings of the words,and to find out the other meaning when the words have been placed in one row. When the words are being recorded in a box a nd associated words are being recorded the new image has been formed. The box with the words and the words travel through the space that exist betweent he boxesf or associated operation through such transfers The box that has the words in it\r\nmoves from one partition to the other to create expansion of the image of the words to link to the associated words.\r\n\r\n2. The experimentation of obang colors visual literacy formation reflecting the cultural structure and symbol\r\n\r\nThis work is the attempt of visualizatioon cmbining the concepts of the number color and circle to the obang colors. The formation elements of the visual literacy such a s the dot,line, surface and circle,triangle and square combine the form and color to construct the image's expressive prescription.\r\n\r\nColor Bar\r\nThe basic elements of the obang colors and visual literacy of dot,line and shape h as formed the opening title of color bar.\r\n\r\nTriangle\r\nTo express the dream and fantasy of the obang colors,representing the experimentation of the applied image formation using the obang colors.\r\n\r\nSquare\r\nThe expression of past,present and future of the obang colors,in an attemp to seek the practical application of the obang colors in digital environment.\r\n\r\nCircle\r\nThe simple meaning of the circulation has been materialized in spatial dimension w ith the Korean traditional obang color concept. the circle work is consisted of the black,red,blue,white and yellow.\r\nThis work of circle combines the meaning of the allness, wholeness,simultaneity and infinity along with the obang color concept.\r\nThrought he circle and obang colors composition the simple attempt to find out the formation method of the images.\r\nThis work is to combine the 3D and 2D elements as well as to see the effect of the animation towards the screen expansion. This work has only been progressed to the 2D state.\r\nThe utilization of the theater space for the experimentation of the obang colors and visuall iteracy formation.\r\nThese images created will be applied to the actual space.\r\n\r\nThe Chimney Sweeper\r\nThe first example of the application of the object and image is the puppets how for actualization of the image expression for the stage to seek for the interaction methods of the images pace existence in property of matter. This work applies the color bar used in the title to form the image space.\r\nThis work cites the poem by the William Blake to form each sets,image as narrative, stage image and puppet image for consistent changes. The images pace meets the main character in the form of the water and forest space, in the fantasy is the climax.\r\n\r\nThe combining and applying these visual images of the obang colors to the visual literacy elements, I wish to seek methods for the interaction. However, in real space application due to unforeseen problems in technology time and other difficulties un expected occurs.\r\nThe screen image work has been progressed with perfect preparation in mind,h owever,the stage space often requires imprompt decisions. In order to overcome from these difficulties the problems that could be solved in future needs to be researched consistently to overcome from physical difficulties in actual space to find more effective interaction methods of object,body and sound.\r\nIn addition,the storage of the image library to create various space production in accordance to the performance situations to create change from the existing c oncept of the screen throught he expansion of the role of the screen. Although due to the technical developments there are many problems that require solution the role of the image within the space will develop further with the concept of other medium.The theater as a medium which existed from long time ago can be expanded to the new artistic area throught he meetings of the technology and images.

비고 : MCD-06-08