커뮤니케이션대학원 사람들 소식

[교원소식-전시] Holoubeck Todd Verne교수(커뮤니케이션디자인, 미디어아트 전공) <SIMILAR But Not The SAME> 개인전
  • 작 성 자|관리자
  • 작 성 일|2021-06-24
  • 조 회 수 |471
Holoubeck Todd Verne교수는 서울13에서  라는 개인전을 열었다.


These works are collaborations with the Machine.
When we remember some person, some event, some feel- ing, smell, touch, color, childhood something
(scratched knee, first kiss?), we are reconstructing these things from chemicals in our brain.
Every time we commit the act of re- construction, the result is changed.
When we teach a computer to remember, it is also reconstructing from what it has seen,
experienced, catalogued, interacted with. It too reconstructs.
This is similar in how we piece together what we think some- thing was, and ought to be.
One part of our brain reconstructs, and the other part evaluates. A decision is made as to whether that memory is valid.
We are not so different You and I, you Machine, bits and bytes, circuits, registers, memory allocation, flash memory degenerating, fragmenting, unstable. Just buy a new SSD and clone the old Machine but that Machine was shit.